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Secret Archives: Adolf Hitler UFO Project Not Fantasy
Secret Archives: Adolf Hitler UFO Project Not Fantasy
LONDON (AP) - The archives reveal that the most secret fantasies of Nazi Adolf Hitler who wanted to create a fleet of Nazi UFOs which could destroy London and New York is a reality.
The order was delivered when Hitler's troops retreated at various locations.
Location of the alleged Nazi UFO production site is a series of tunnels tunnels buried beneath the Jonas Valley in Thuringia, central Germany.
Under the command of General SS (Nazi special police) Hans Kammler, a group of slave workers to work hard to realize the dream of Hitler.
German science magazine, PM, reveals just how sophisticated the program is now scientists are working hard on a number of factories to manufacture UFO secrets to winning the war.
The magazine quoted eyewitnesses who say they saw a flying saucer with a German iron cross which flew low over the River Thames, England, in 1944 ago.
"Americans also take seriously the existence of such weapons. Presumably, the machine can cover a distance of 2,000 kilometers on its maiden flight, "he told The Sun.
The U.S. believes that the Germans could use a flying saucer to drop the weapon to New York, a target who wants to attack Hitler when the war continues.
At that time, the New York Times reported sightings of "mysterious flying saucer" with photographs of a flying object with very high velocity above the buildings in the city's towering.
"The Germans had destroyed most of the files that contain their activity, but there are a number of clues that prove that (fleet of Nazi UFOs) do exist," added the daily.
Nazi UFO project was led by two engineers, Rudolf Schriever and Otto Habermohl, and is based in Prague, Czech Republic, between 1941 to 1943.
The project that started from a Luftwaffe project is ultimately under the control of armaments minister Albert Speer before re-taken over by Kammler in 1944.
Witnesses who were arrested after the war allied forces claimed to have seen UFOs on several occasions.
Joseph Andreas Epp, an engineer who became a consultant for the project-Habermohl Schriever, there are 15 prototype UFO claims that have been made.
He explained about the shape of the aircraft cockpit that dikelilngi setral wings and propellers that spin and form a circle.
Vanes are glued together with a ribbon on the outside and made to rotate by small rockets placed around the circle.
When the rotational speed and enough flying saucer taking off, then turned horizontal jets or rockets to move it.
In his book published in 2000, Prawda O Wunderwaffe, Igor Witkowski, a Polish historian and journalist who study the field of military and aerospace technology, claims that Hitler wanted his scientists still have to make a bell-shaped aircraft.
Such impressive technology that is found at the end of the Nazi war, the V-2 rocket scientist to be hunted by the U.S. and the Soviet Union to be employed in missile programs and outer space respectively.
More than 120 rocket scientists, including Wernher von Braun, who became the central figure in NASA, met the German engineer Georg Klein and claimed that there are two types of flying saucers created by the Nazis.
Klein, who after the war career as an aeronautics engineer, said, "I'm not crazy, eccentric, or fantasize. This is what I see with my own eyes, a Nazi UFO! "
A number of American bomber crews and Britain also reported strange sightings over enemy territory.
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