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Mysterious Planet Save Our Planet of Judgement?

Posted by Bimaster On Thursday, November 17, 2011 0 komentar

INILAH.COM, San Antonio - In the early solar system appears, hit the giant planet Jupiter is unknown. Planet Earth-saving is not to hit Mars. Want to know?

At 600 million years after solar system formed, and the giant outer planets Jupiter like Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are bombarded with chunks of ice and rock are mostly thrown out the orbit of Neptune that is now known as the Kuiper Belt.

Lacing happens to Jupiter and the giants in close vicinity of the sun and change the orbit of Jupiter. In the computer model, the effect of destroying the planet occurred in the pound could push Earth Mars or Venus.

Researchers at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio was looking for reasons why Earth's collision did not happen, and he got a theory stating the existence of giant planets that play a role in maintaining the fifth order of Jupiter's orbit has not changed much.

The collision of Jupiter with Uranus or Neptune would explain it, they said. However, these collisions will send Uranus or Neptune into space anyway.

The only thing that makes sense is, the existence of a mysterious fifth planet that has yet confirmed its existence
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