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Observer: Not Involve the U.S., Israel Will Attack Iran Possible Large Alone

Posted by Bimaster On Thursday, November 17, 2011 0 komentar

Netanyahu - Obama

WASHINGTON - Middle East observers predict the Israeli attack on Iran will come true. Whether the attack involving the United States? Probably not!

"When Israel attacked Iran in 2012, their calculation is better to attack Iran alone. As the U.S. was during the election," said Mark Fitzpatrick, a former U.S. official who is now an observer at the International Institute of Strategic Studies, told Reuters.

According to him, Israel is really concerned about Iran's nuclear technology advances. If there is no influence of other international countries against the fear, attack Israel to Iran is going to be real. Israel will attack Iran alone.

"When you take into account that next year is the year of U.S. politics. And consider the dynamics of U.S. internal politics, then this increase the possibility of Israel attacking Iran alone," he said.

Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, says he, is not likely to risk dropping the authority of U.S. President Barack Obama linked the attack to Iran.

"So the scenario could have a phone Netanyahu Obama said:" We do not need a green light. We were only told that Israeli aircraft had flown the plane and ask for help so we are going to attack Iran was shot down, "said Fitzpatrick.

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