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Five Tips for Women Secrets sexs

Posted by Bimaster On Saturday, November 19, 2011 0 komentar

There are many things that are not known to men about what women want in bed. This does not mean the man does not care, but because women rarely talk about it or he was too embarrassed to tell the men.

It is however also open to couples who could express his desire to have quality sex that much better, because that man should always encourage their partners to be more openly say desires. But as long as you are still trying to get a jump on your partner, there are 5 common knowledge about her. All women are different, but there are a few things about sex in which all women in general agree. The secret is what can make it to enjoy sex.

Secret 1: She likes sex during menstruation
In general this is true, but there are rules. This will make the situation so quickly wet. Make sure you are both a shower and cleaned up immediately. The other problem you might face is temporary in vaginal dryness. If he uses the pads, there will be a little discomfort when he let go to have sex and be prepared to bring the "lubricant". He will be stimulated by very quickly, but for the "entry-insert" especially in a state of vaginal dryness it will cause pain and discomfort, so do not ruin your next opportunity with too much force on the penetration. Bonus from sex during this period was that he became a passion. Hormones that make it like this.

woman in love

Secret 2: He does not like sex without end
Got a woman who feels happy, has a very good thing. Do not ruin it by trying to prove something stupid to yourself. Indeed there is a sex machine, but are they not using the cable to keep it vibrating? And are not they made of plastic or rubber? Women want a soul mate not a sex machine. Women love orgasm just like men, but once it was good. Let's just twice as a bonus and after that it all depends on the situation. You must know when to stop and start lay down its arms and enjoy the fragrant smell of her hair. Do not worry if he still wants to do the next round, he will definitely make you know it.

Secret 3: He thinks too many fingers will cause discomfort
When using your fingers to stimulate your woman, just remember that the outermost part of the vagina have a lot of nerve endings than the very inside. Use this knowledge as an advantage for you. The point here, to give him pleasure, stay at the part that can easily stimulate her: the outside of the vagina, a little part inside of the vagina and the G-spot. When it starts to stimulate her, start with one finger. After tickling the outside, to enter into it do it gently and make sure the conditions are wet. Begin tickled at the front of the wall of the vagina. There you'll find G-spot. If he wants you to put more in or stimulate it harder, he would show it by pushing his body towards you. Would feel less comfortable for him if up to half of all the fingers inside. So do not forget to ask him before inserting another finger and not to try to reach the cervix. Fingernails clean and clipped short is highly recommended.

Secret 4: She likes to try new things
There are many things he always wanted to try, but she may feel reluctant to ask for or get started. Several variations of sex that maybe he was afraid to ask such as: anal sex, anal sex by using a finger, sex outside the home and swapped roles. None of these variations belonging to the hard core as you both think. Many ordinary people who often do and the results are very good. An easy and fun to learn new variations like what he wanted to try is to exchange sex wish list. Write down everything, then bertukarlah busy and start to read and imagine how to try it together.

Secret 5: Passion tall woman in the morning
Men and morning erections are very generally known. It is often ignored by their partner by pretending to still be sleeping. But if you want to take advantage of this moment, you can begin to bring your intimate parts to the center in between her thighs. Wait some time and do it again if there is still no reaction. The hope he will begin to excited because you have to stimulate her gently. Target for morning sex is a change of condition pretended to sleep until it becomes very aroused before 8 o'clock. Oral sex in the morning is also quite successful, but the trick is much closer to the thigh baik.Tips here is try to make your intimate parts becomes more slippery with the "lubricant" or saliva. The task for you is to change gumanan upset, "I just woke up and you immediately hit me" to "Oh, delicious". But remember not all fond of sex in the morning, so if your wife is not really like it. Do some first approach rather than directly to the destination and make the atmosphere became rowdy.

Revealing the secrets of the other sex
There are many other things that secretly liked or hated women, but indeed every woman is different so what is preferred and hate is not the same. Another way to find out the secret of this is to do some sort of game. There are games that use a board game that can make the players have expressed a desire that is not unusual. This is a great way to communicate better with your partner and can find something that you have never thought to ask. Do not forget, the best sex always belongs to the couple who are always honest to say what they want.
Thanks for read Five Tips for Women Secrets sexs my be usefully.

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