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It's the Radical of the birth of Earth

Posted by Bimaster On Wednesday, November 16, 2011 0 komentar

Picture : Lutetia
WASHINGTON DC - There are various theories that tell the birth of the Earth, but this time the researchers even found asteroids (Lutetia) who allegedly is the remnants of the birth of the Earth.

Lutetia asteroid is an asteroid belt between the inhabitants of Mars and Jupiter. Hermann M. S. Goldschmidt found and gave the name of this 100-kilometer-diameter asteroid with Lutetia, similar to the Latin name of Paris.

The new observations of the asteroid Lutetia are indicated fragments of the remains of the material forming the Earth, Venus and Merckurius. Astronomers have to process data obtained from unmanned spacecraft Rosetta, the latest telescope technology European Southern Observatory, and NASA telescope, to produce a spectrum of asteroid Lutetia. Through these observations they found that the properties of asteroids match the rare meteorites found on Earth.

A group of astronomers from France and North American University has conducted a detailed investigation to decipher the composition of Lutetia.

The spectrum of Lutetia kemuidan compared with other meteorites found on Earth. Just type enstatite chondrites meteorites that have similar properties to Lutetia.

Enstatite chondrites are the materials from the early solar system. It is estimated that ensatite chondrites formed near the sun and is the main ingredient for forming rocky planets such as Earth, Venus, and Mekurius. There is probably not derived from Lutetia asteroid belt, but comes from a place closer to the sun.

"But how Lutetia escaped from the center of the solar system and end up in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter?" Said Pierra Vernanzza of Souther Eurropean Laboratory. Thus was launched through Astrobio, Monday (11/14/2011).

The astronomers have estimated that less than 2 percent of the celestial bodies residing in the territory of the formation of Earth, will end up in the asteroid belt. Often happens, the celestial body will disappear after reaching a few million years old and merges into the young planet formed. Different things happen at Lutetia. Asteroid is unique because of the scarcity of planet-forming asteroids that remain.
Thanks for read It's the Radical of the birth of Earth my be usefully.

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